Monday, June 16, 2008

Congo Wildlife

The Congo is filled with many beautiful animals which are being killed for their meat and byproducts. Nothing that breathes is safe in the Congo. With only 700 mountain gorillas left in the world, they are in danger of extinction. The gorillas trust humans. So it is not difficult for rebels in eastern Congo to slaughter and eat the animal. Another animal in danger is the hippo with only 900 remaining. In 1998, twenty-two thousand existed. More than 400 hippos were killed last year. The elephant is also endangered. At one time, there were as many as 10 million but now only 1,900 remain. The park rangers are in charge of the task of protecting wildlife and since 1996, over 97 rangers have perished.

1 comment:

M said...

I cannot understand what the hell is wrong with people. Why are so many elephants, giant beasts who deserve to be left alone to whatever their world consists of, being tortured and killed? I can't stand this horrendous egocentrism that is crushing our disgusting species. Humans can do beautiful things, but we rarely do anything not benefitting our greed, ego, or fear. I love elephants almost more than everything and I can't believe we are steadily driving them toward extinction. Thank you for posting this horrible picture so some can see the truth. We are a dark, dark species undeserving of the Earth. We do not deserve elephants.